15 Benefits Of Light Therapy?

What is The Benefits Of Light Therapy?
15 Benefits Of Light Therapy?

Red, Green and Blue Light Therapy, are terms that are very popular in the beauty industry. However, what are they exactly?And how can I use them for a beauty treatment? Are some of the few questions that come to mind.

Let us start from the beginning. The notion of light therapy first came from NASA. In 1995, the agency conducted experiments on light sources for promoting plant growth in uninhabitable environments. Their results indicate that these lights could help with the growth of plants in space and could be an effective treatment for ailments.

Also, at a wavelength of 633 (Red Light), 532 (Green Light) and 415 (Blue Light) nanometres these lights can reach the deepest layers of the skin, the dermis layers. When it reaches the dermis layers, it gives the cells a boost that stimulates a response from the body to use the light. Therefore, giving a boost to the rejuvenation process through increased blood flow, collagen stimulation, detoxification process and much more.

What is The Benefits Of Light Therapy?
What is The Benefits Of Light Therapy?

The use of light therapy has come a long way, since its discovery in 1995. Based on these results and several studies conducted around the world, Dr. Müller has decided to take the step to bring light therapy to the masses with the Collagenic Machines and Beauty Light Therapy. They are natural light therapy devices that emit red, green and blue light also known as Collagenic Light, Bright Skin Light and Blue Skin Light respectively.

5 Benefits Of Red Light Therapy

1. Renews Collagen and Elastin Fibers leading to a Brightening effect

Collagen and elastin are the two proteins that naturally exist in our skin as structural support. Collagen is the most copious protein in our body. It is what helps give our skin strength and has the task of replacing dead skin cells. And elastin is the connective tissue, which allows body tissue to resume their original shape after stretching or contracting. However, as you age your skin loses some of its elasticity and firmness, leading to an older complexion.

Collagenic Light reaches the deepest layer of the skin, the dermis layer. The Collagenic Light reactivates the production of collagen, resulting in an increase in collagen and elastin proteins. This leads to a brightening effect that enhances the skin’s original lustre.

2. Anti-Ageing: Diminishes fine lines and wrinkles

One use of Collagenic Light that is growing in popularity is its anti-ageing properties. Studies indicate, that when you expose skin to red light, it jump-starts the renewal process of the collagen and elastin cells. This boost leads to fine lines and wrinkles to become less visible. Furthermore, red light improves the overall skin complexion, texture and firmness.

3. Wound Healing and Tissue Repair

Red light at 633 nanometres promotes wound healing and tissue repair. The red light penetrates the skin and increases the rate of cellular regeneration. Light at this wavelength reconstructs fibroblasts, keratinocytes and modulation of immune cells. Meaning, injuries and injured skin tissue recover at a much faster rate.

4. Release of the Happy Hormone

Due to the exposure to light, your body boosts the production of the hormone Serotonin. Serotonin is the body’s natural Happy Hormone. That is why we tend to feel happier and more energetic during the summer months. In that period, red light can stave off moderate depression and seasonal affective disorder (SAD). While results may vary, you can use red light treatments as a natural stimulant and improve your mood.

5. Reduce Cellulite

Collagenic Light treatments increases the oxygenation, detoxification and blood circulation process. This series of actions reduces cellulite fat deposits. The process eliminates stagnant toxins that break down connective tissue, leading to cellulite. As a result, the fat within the connective tissue becomes less after following a red light therapy treatment.

5 Benefits Of Green Light Therapy

1. Lighter and Smoother Skin

An excess amount of melanin, the pigment that determines hair and skin colour, causes dark spots to appear on the skin. When you step into a Dr. Müller Beauty Light Therapy device, the melanin absorbs the green light that the device emits. As a result, the body recognises the melanin particles that the light breaks down and discards them. Leaving you with clearer skin and lighter skin tone.

2. Decreases spider veins and rosacea

Ageing brings along several skin issues that we could live without. However, thanks to Bright Skin Light, the appearance of spider veins and rosacea is much less conspicuous. Green light causes the small blood vessels that lie just beneath the skin to close down and disappear. Therefore, making their appearance less visible. Also, researchers indicate that green light is an effective treatment method against skin problems, such as rosacea and erythema, as it soothes the affected skin area.

3. Reduction of Hyperpigmentation and Age Spots

Aside from reducing fine lines and wrinkles, Bright Skin Light has also been found to be highly useful in the treatment of age spots and hyperpigmentation. Instead of fading dark spots, freckles, and other age-related skin issues, it is recommended to use a light therapy device, such as the Dr. Müller Beauty Light Therapy. The green light inside the Dr. Müller machine reduces these blemishes and creates a barrier that will decrease the chance of such skin blemishes of reoccurring in the future.

4. Relieves Pain

Bright Skin Light makes your muscle more flexible and is an aid for myalgia, pain in a muscle or group of muscles. As a result of exposure to green light, it eases muscle stiffness and works as a pain reliever in case of rheumatism, arthritis and muscular pain.

5. Wound Healing and Tissue Repair

Like Collagenic and Blue Skin Light, Bright Skin Light has also wound and tissue repair capabilities. Bright Skin Light has a sterilising function that increases the cell growth. Therefore, enabling your skin to repair the affected area.

5 Benefits Of Blue Light Therapy

1. Effective in the treatment of acne

Blue Skin Light, like the other lamps in the Dr. Müller product range, is UV-free.  The light is an effective treatment for acne because it helps destroy the bacteria that causes skin irritations. As a result, researchers and aestheticians advise the use of blue light in the treatment of acne.

2. Prevents Oily Skin

Oily skin is the term used to describe the increased production of sebum, which is in turn caused by an imbalance in hormones. Blue Skin Light reduces the activity of the sebaceous gland so that it does not produce as much oil.

3. Reduces Blackheads

Aside from using blue light to decrease acne and oily skin, you can also use it to treat blackheads. The blue light penetrates the skin, consequently, killing the bacteria that causes blackheads. Your body discards the waste, leaving you with unblocked pores and of course blemish free.

4. Effective treatment for Eczema and Psoriasis

Several studies indicate that blue light can be useful in treating skin related issues such as, Eczema and Psoriasis, which are inflammation of the skin. The Blue Skin Light suppresses the cells that cause the inflammation in the skin. Over a period of several session, these cells calm down, and the physical symptoms become much less visible.

5. Release of the happy hormone

Like Collagenic Light and Bright Skin Light, Blue Skin Light boosts the production of the hormone Serotonin. Also, called the Happy Hormone. During the winter months, our exposure to sunlight is very limited, which can lead to SAD. However, by adding a light therapy session into your weekly routine, you can stave off negative feelings.